What is a Subdomain | Difference between Domain and Subdomain

What is Domain and Subdomain

What is Domain ?

Domain is basically the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website. A domain Name constitutes three main parts :

1. Top Level Domain (TLD)

2. Second Level Domain (SLD)

3.Subdomain, Now lets just discuss them briefly -

What are Top level domain (TLD) ?

Top Level Domain are the last part or segment of a domain name that comes after the final dot. and holds the highest position in Domain Name System after root domain. TLD are also know as domain extensions of which most popular are '.com', '.org' and '.net'.

What are Second Level Domain (SLD) ?

Second Level Domain can be identified as name just before the Top level domain and they generally represent the name of the business, organization or community. SLD represents the identity of an entity.
Ex = In letsupdateit.blogspot.com, blogspot is the SLD.

What is Sub-domain ?

A sub-domain is an additional part to your main domain which are created to organize and navigate to different sections of your website. You can create multiple sub-domains on your main domain.
Ex = In letsupdateit.blogspot.com, letsupdateit is a subdomain.

The following is a chart for your better understanding :

Difference between domain and subdomain

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