Love Story of Baz Bahadur and Rani Roopmati | Mandu History | Letsupdateit


 The Love Story of Baz Bahadur and Rani Roopmati :

Rani Roopmati and Baz Bahadur

Baz Bahadur was the son of Shujaa't Khan who was the governor under Sher Shah Suri and they were "Pathans". After the death of his father, Baz bahadur was made the sultan of Malwa but later in 1555 he declared himself independent and it was this time only when he met Rani Roopmati, his lady love.

Rani Roopmati was the daughter of the King of Dharampuri, A small town near mandu situated on the banks of Narmada river. It was believed that the conditions of Dharampuri were never good so the king decided that he will sacrifice her first daughter to Narmada jii so as to bring wealth and happiness in Dharampuri. So he puts her in the basket and leaves her as a sacrifice but later Narmada jii brings her back to Dharampuri as she gets happy with the sacrifice and from then Roopmati and Narmada becomes one soul. From very early age roopmati started to worship Narmada ji and it was her rule that she will have food only when she will see Narmada ji. She was a great singer, a poet and a brave girl with dignity.

One day Rani Roopmati was out with her freinds practising different raags as usual when Baz Bahadur appears, he was out with his freinds for hunting when he heard someone singing beautifully and so he followed the voice and came infront of a beautiful girl singing along with her freinds. She was none other than charming and beautiful "Roopmati", the love of Baz Bahadur. Impressed by her voice and beauty, he begged Roopmati to accompany him to his capital. Listening to this, Roopmati could not say no to his sultan, but she laid her own condition, that she will live in a palace within sight of her beloved river Narmada. Baz Bahadur happily accepted her conditions and within two days the palace was constructed, from the top of which Roopmati could see the Narmada Ji but in winter and rainy season it was not possible to see anything from the top because of the Fog and thus was raised the famous "Rewa Kund" which bring Narmada to mandu and is now one of the most visited tourist spot in Madhya Pradesh.

Rewa Kund

Later they both got married after the construction of the palace. Roopmati was a poet, singer and great composer, on the other hand Baz Bahadur was a great lyricist and musician and so they spent most of their time on music and romance. The news of the beauty of Roopmati and her voice felt in the ears of Akbar and he ordered Baz Bahadur to present her infront of him, but baz bahadur rejects it.

Rani Roopmati

Later In 1561, Baz Bahadur heard a news that Mughal troops led by Adham Khan is on its way to attack Malwa. Baz Bahadur was aware that he has a very small army and if they fight against Mughal Troops than he will be defeated and they will kill him. But he knew that he has to fight with them in order to protect Roopmati so he gets into the battlefield but sadly he was defeated and killed by Mughals. When Rani Roopmati heard that his love has been killed, she knew that Adham Khan will capture her and disgrace her. And so being a lady of great chaste continued her faith towards her lover, she consumed poison and set her free from any disgrace. And this ended the beautiful love story of Baz Bahadur and Rani Roopmati.

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